How to Use Online Board Meeting Technology to Support Productive Discussions and Decision-Making

Online board meeting is becoming a common feature in the current world of nonprofits, with the number of and demand increasing as more boards adopt video-based meetings. While there are some who believe that face-toface meetings are superior, it’s important to understand the advantages of using virtual technology and how to use it effectively to aid in productive discussions and decision-making.

1. Make use of a fully functional online board meeting platform.

You can make use of a variety of video conferencing services online which include both free and low-cost options, to host your virtual board meeting. The most important thing is to select an option that is suitable for all members of your board. If your board has members from all over the country or even across the globe It is important to provide a screen-sharing option for the best experience. If your board has a modest budget, you may want to look at phone conference options that provide audio only for those who don’t have video capabilities.

2. Begin the meeting with a concise agenda.

A shorter agenda will aid in your meeting flow and stop it from becoming too long. It also makes it easier to stick to the most important issues and ensures that every person is given the opportunity to speak.

3. Set the meeting up for an time that is suitable for everyone.

If your board members are in various parts of the country or even the world, you’ll be required to ensure that the time you schedule your meeting works for everyone. You will also need to take into consideration any other factors that could affect their participation such as early mornings or late nights frequent commutes, or common breaks.

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